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Monday, April 9, 2007

Padman Roadmap and Urban Terror


In a brief follow up (time constraints) to the Q3 TCs post, there's some news on a couple projects.

The guys behind the recently released World of Padman have talked about the future of the project whilst thanking people for the positive initial feedback:

This first version is not supposed to be the final one. There are some things we want to implement in future versions like the missing singleplayer. Well, we only plan to integrate a simple SP, fighting against the bots throught the maps, but want to tell a story by adding some nice comic strips and videos. Known bugs will be fixed too and some new features are also on our list. Have we already mentioned a new map pack by ENTE, which might be available within 2 or 3 days?

And I missed out the mod Urban Terror. Although this is more freeware than Free due to some restrictions on the game content, it is still a cool looking TC for Q3 and worth checking out if you are into your contemporary war-fests.

Lastly the game FlowFlowMania got another quickfire release as the author keeps up his initial momentum. Now it supports skins and has some more levels so is starting to evolve into a nice little game!

That's it for today, sorry. :-(

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