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Saturday, June 2, 2007

Time Catches Up With Us All


One of the principle reasons any open source [game] developer should use a service like Sourceforge is longevity and posterity. If you host your own stuff, likelyhood is that you will move on in life and said self hosting resource becomes unavailable. Such has happened to RG Pro Hockey, a rather amazing looking open source 3D ice hockey simulation that is no longer accessible on it's former homepage. Now it is up to people like us (me?) to chase down the author or find somebody who has a copy of the code, and then get it on Sourceforge before it's lost to the winds of time.

EDIT - somebody has since gotten RG Pro on Sourceforge. :-)

If hockey is your thing then perhaps Ice Hockey Manager (Java) might be up your street. It's not mine so I'll leave it at that.

Speaking of 3D... there is a 3D client in the works for Daimonin. I had heard about it before but never looked deeper into it, but I found myself browsing the Daimonin forums today and the 3D client has it's own dedicated section! However development is slow so it's more intrigue than interest that brings it to my attention. There are screenshots, a brief gameplay video (the significance of which it is client and server), and of course code - so it's not vaporware - but definitely needs more impetus if it is ever going to become a replacement for the current Daimonin client.

Lemming Ball Z might get a new release soon. Dragon Ball Z meets Lemmings - destructable terrain, multiplayer, AI, lots of blood, it is fun by all accounts although I have never played it myself. The next version adds decapitations... that sounds interesting. :-)

I had something else to say but I forgot it... damn!

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